About Me
I'm an aspiring software engineer who works at the intersection of ML, formal systems, and art. I love taking apart complexity and turning noise into structure.
Glenelg High School Class of 2024, future CS undergrad.
Senior Year Research Project
Projects & GitHub
2048 Puzzle
A reversal of the classic puzzle game 2048. In this project, the player must combine all of tiles into one to win.
Designed Minilisp, a simple Lisp-like language, and wrote a lexer and parser which represent it as an abstract syntax tree.
Virtual Machine
Built a VM for a simple physical CPU, along with a new instruction set, to learn about how instructions are executed and compiled by the hardware.
Mandelbrot Generator
Single and Multithreaded performance experiments in C++ for drawing a Mandelbrot. Outputs results as PNG.
Weather Forecaster
An easy-to-use React/JS app which gives the weekly weather forecast for any latitude and longitude and renders a bar chart of temperatures.